Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Volume 2 - Issue 3 - March 7, 2007

The good folks on the jury just didn’t buy that story ol’ Scooter was trying to sell them…..what a shame. Now Scoot’s going to file an appeal because he is so, soooooooooo innocent. Prediction: Bush will pardon him. That’s OK, because if he accepts a pardon, he is telling everybody, “Yup, I did it alright, I‘m as guilty as sin." It would stand to reason that if he insists he is innocent, he wouldn’t accept the pardon……….yea, right.

"A liar should have a good memory."
--- Quintilian, De Institutione Oratoria

What is wrong with this woman? (I use the term woman loosely in her case). I want to know why her wife lets her out on the unsuspecting public? What kind of parents raise this kind of a person? (again, I use the term person loosely in her case). She has a law degree, why doesn’t she use it? She purports to support family values…so why isn’t she married and have kids?…… it’s because she can’t cut the mustard. Why does she have a wife? Why doesn’t she get that Adam’s apple fixed? CPAC knew exactly what it was doing when they invited her once again to their little conflab (they invite her every year). They laughed at her lame attempt to make a joke…….these people do not know what is funny, please leave it up to the professional comics will ya? Why the Republican party would want her to be their poster child is baffeling to me. Soon, whenever people think of the RNC they will think of that what Republican's want? The only reason I can think of as to why she called John Edwards the “F” word is because she’s got the hots for him and he won’t return her calls. Edward’s has got a great wife, Elizabeth, and I don’t think Ann stands a chance. Will somebody please tell Ann that Rush is still available. I think maybe Rush wouldn’t want her bony butt now. Wouldn’t it be great to see Ann play the part that Elizabeth Taylor played in The Taming of the Shrew opposite Richard Burton? Sir Richard would certainly make a woman out of her or die trying, but at this point I don’t think Ann could get laid in a room full of rapists.

"Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped."
--- Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915)

If you haven’t had a gut full of the Bush administration by now, this should do it. This is certainly symptomatic of the administration’s poor planning on every level when going to war. I would hope future leaders and future president’s would study “How Not to Plan, Execute and Follow Through When Going to War….The Folly of George Bush” that will surely be written by some clever person some day. If you have a veteran in your family, please let your Senator or Congressman know you will absolutely not put up with this kind of crapp.

" bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, ..."
--- President Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address


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