Monday, November 27, 2006


Volume 1 - Issue 10 - November 26, 2006

I will no longer be depositing hard copies of Cranky In The Middle (CIMT) at local establishments. I have had a blog since June of this year, and ignored it when I started publishing the hard copies in July. I am going back to the blog and will be posting all of you savvy computer geeks can read it here. I want to thank everyone who supported the hard copy issues, I think the dragon has been least I hope so......I haven't heard any carping about the liquor store.

It has come to my attention that some here in town may not be too crazy about how the mid term elections have come out......well boo hoo........get over it. In my opinion, some of the crazy and most divisive people have been turned out.......good riddence!
In our own state, Jim (speaks in tongues) Ryan finally got cut loose. Maybe he should have been speaking English when talking to his constituents instead of speaking in tongues.
Closer to home, I was disappointed that Mitch Holmes got re-elected, he basically based his entire campaing on big fat lies........claiming credit for something that was already in the works when he was elected the first time around. Well, he gets his pension.......that's all he really wanted anyway. He doesn't sweat enough to call what he does working. See you in two years Mitch.......better clean up that act.
Stafford has once again put their money on someone not from the area. Stafford is famous for letting any old snake oil salesman take them down the primrose path......then incessantly whining about how they were done wrong.......nice going Stafford. Staffordites were promised that the rest of the county was going to pay for the hospital at Stafford. Well, since the State of Kansas decides those kinds of things....... and not county commissioners.......good luck, because it's not going to happen.....but I'm sure that we will be reading about how this should be done ad nauseum in the county commissioners minutes that we read in the paper. Yes, I know taxes have gone up in Stafford, but that might be due to the fact that they built a new high school more than the hospital situation........ya think? Maybe the commissioners should focus their time on oversight of county departments.......they seem to be lacking in that area.

The current election cycle is over, now we get to gear up for the next one in 08. I hope they give us all some breathing room before it starts up again.There are just two words I do not want to hear during this next election cycle…………… UNDECIDED VOTER.I got so irritated with pandering to these so called undecided voters in 04. They were the geeky girl at school who gets wooed by the captain of the football team on a dare by his teammates, only to be dumped the night before he was supposed to take her to the prom…..sounds like another teen movie.You know, if you spend months hearing about who the candidates are and what they are saying, and the night before the election you still don’t know……..stay home. These folks must get up every morning not knowing who they are unless somebody tells them. How they accomplish anything is beyond me.It’s not up to the talking heads on TV to inform you, there are lots of other sources to inform yourself…after all it’s your responsibility to get informed. We need an informed electorate, not an undecided electorate.

In honor of the 143rd anniversary of the Gettysburg Address (November 19), which in my opinion is the greatest speech ever given by a President of the United States….. I urge you to give another look at this eloquent and to the point speech that says more in one page about our Civil War than the subsequent volumes ever written about it. It’s a good read.

"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward".
--- Franklin D. Roosevelt---


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