Monday, November 27, 2006


Volume 1 - Issue 7 - October 16, 2006

I have really got to hand it to the Republicans….when they mess up…….they go for the gold. Truthfully, this is a sad state of affairs, and after almost 6 long years of this dog and pony show, I am undecided as to whether to laugh or cry about it. I do know that I am fustrated and disgusted about them……… the max.
I could laugh, laughing makes us feel better, it realeases endorphins. I could say, “I told ya so.”………..I’m sure that there are many already doing that. The sad thing is I’m not surprised by what has happened………..not shocked at all………it’s even worse than I imagined…….and I’ve got a great imagination! You just can’t make this stuff up…….it’s been fun watching it unfold, in a train wreck sort of way………just fascinating.
The entire Bush administration, the House and the Senate leadership are like bad houseguests; they came for what I thought was a brief visit, ended up overstaying their welcome, ate all the food in the fridge, stunk up the bathroom, hogged the TV remote and treated the spouse and kids in a rude and insolent manner…..well, it’s my house and it’s time a well placed boot was delivered thusly in their backsides……….and I mean all of them!
These guys actually wonder why comedians are making fun of them?……they should drink some strong black coffee, get off the drugs or just look in the mirror sometime. Watching Denny Hastert come up with lamo excuses for this is both embarrassing and hysterical at the same time.
Would you put up with people coming to YOUR house and acting that way? I venture to guess, no you wouldn’t. Then why put up with these freak-a-zoids? They are in our house (The White House a/k/a the people’s house), they are in our city (Washington D.C. that is)…………they are polluting them, tarnishing them and trashing them and all the while people are, like well……..they can’t help it, but they are religious or they’ll get it right, just give them time………………or a million other excuses we the people make for their sorry butts. Most of us would be fired from our jobs if we performed as well as these yo-yo’s. Time for them to take a long walk on a short pier. It’s time we did like Captain Kirk when the cute little tribble’s multiplied on the Enterprise……open the hatch, shove them out into space and leave them on an uninhabited planet.

“Crime does not pay……….as well as politics.”
--- Alfred E. Newman

“The problem with people who have no vices is generally you can be pretty sure they’re going to have some pretty annoying virtues.”
--- Elizabeth Taylor

Last Saturday afternoon and evening, I ventured out of the house and ended up at the beer garden at the Stafford Octoberfest………imagine that! It was an absolutely perfect day, weather wise, the food was hot and the beer was cold……….as it should always be.
This was the first time I had been to the Octoberfest since 1985, the year it started. Yea, I know……..I’m from Stafford and I hadn’t been in over 20 years………so bite me.
I get to the beer garden, and lo and behold, at least half of St. John was there. I was a little confused, because I knew I had left St. John and went to Stafford on old 50 highway about an hour before, and I see a lot of people from St. John?………..oh well.
The place was full, everybody was chatting and discussion was abundant……some of it was very, very bizarre…………but…………..I digress…..people seemed to be having a good time…………….…some more than others, but everyone was on their best behavior. We had a few laughs, a few beers, some hotdogs and brats………saw a few people we hadn’t seen in a while……..had a good time. Sometimes the simple things in life are all you need to make a memorable day.

“Ancient Rome declined because it had a Senate; now what’s going to happen to us with both a Senate and a House?”
--- Will Rogers

I am just enough jaded and cynical……after all, I’m a child of the 60’s, to wonder what’s going to happen next in Washington that screws it up for all of us around here…….the other shoe and/or shoes will surely drop and I just can’t wait to see who’s shoe the dog doo is on. I hope it’s not on my shoes……I just bought new ones.

“Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of much of life. Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something.”
--- Henry David Thoreau
1817 - 1862


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