Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Volume 2 - Issue 2 - February 14, 2007

For those of you old enough to remember, there used to be a TV show called “What’s My Line”. For those of you not that old, three people would claim to be the person that had done things like being a fireman who saved 10 people from a burning building in Philadelphia or claiming to be the woman who invented White-Out. A distinguished panel of four persons would ask questions of the three people to try to figure out who was the real person and who the two imposter’s were. At the end of the show the panelists would present a card with number 1, 2 or 3 on it to indicate who they thought the real person was. Trying to figure out who is the real George Bush is kind of like playing “What’s my Line”.
So far, during Bush’s presidency, he has been compared by his spinners to Lincoln, Truman, Reagan, not one but both Roosevelts and Churchill……….none of which he really reminds me of…………so, I ask again, who is the real George Bush? Maybe if he spent more time, and his spinners spent more time trying to get him to explain his real self and quit the multiple personality game, he wouldn’t and we wouldn’t be in this mess. I can’t say that I blame him for wanting to be someone else if I were him either.
For the most part, Bush has let his presidency be defined by polls, pundants, spinners and a very unpopular war. To quote a NEWSWEEK poll conducted January 24-25, “Bush’s approval ratings are in the toilet at 30%, and more than half the country (58%) say they wish the Bush presidency were simply over.” That simply astounds me………that most citizens just would rather see him go away. Even 21% of registered republicans thinks he should just go bye-bye. I know what this says of Bush……..but what does it say about us? It says we are in a pretty pissy mood and we want it to be over, and we want him to be over. It’s pretty bad when the American people are in such a state of mind that if our president went missing…………we wouldn’t miss him and we wouldn’t send out a search party to find him.

“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president.”
--- Theodore Roosevelt

The Scooter Libby trial is shaping up to be one of the most interesting things on the national scene these days. Such intrigue should not be passed by. Lets face it folks…..we all know who is behind this and the one that has been on a drunken power surge since he got into office...Cheney. It is so obvious to anyone who has two brain cells to rub together that he is the problem and he should be gotten rid of.

I have been given a message from the VFW’s Bob Stimatze to thank each and every one who donated tables and chairs to the VFW. It is deeply appreciated.

“I believe that ignorance is the root of all evil. And that no one knows the truth.“
--- Molly Ivins

I will miss Molly. Molly was the canary in the coal mine warning us of what we were gonna get with “shrub” in the white house. She was right……she was right about a lot of things. I am sad to see that she won’t be around when the final curtain comes down on this dog and pony show…….because I have a feeling that what she wrote in the past will turn out just like she said. The next time a conservative gets his ass kicked, Molly gets her wings.

If Anna Nicole Smith can collapse and die……….I wonder why the same can’t happen to Dick Cheney. There just isn’t any justice in the world. I am not dissing Anna Nicole, the woman had her share of problems and tragedy. Maybe it was just too much for her. On the other hand, some of her problems were brought on by her own need to be in the spotlight…..I don’t fault her for wanting to be rich and famous, but it makes me wonder sometimes why we have people on the planet like that. Are they here to teach us something? Like…. maybe how not to behave or how not to live? Or maybe they are here to show us how to behave or to live…..or are they here just for our entertainment and amusement? I don’t have the answer to that question, but life in these United States gets more bizarre every day.

DIZZY...........I'M SO DIZZY.........MY HEAD IS SPINNIN.....LIKE A WHIRLPOOL....IT NEVER ENDS........YOUR MAKIN ME DIZZY.........!!!!!!!!!!!
This whole mess in the press and in Washington is just spinning out of control. You've got the Libby trial, the spoiled intelligence from DOD and the pentagon, dubya and shooter beating the war drums again.....only this time for Iran, senate and congressional investigations on the horizon, more indictments of Bush cronies, Dusty Foggo and Brent Wilkes, confessions from the guy who cooked the books on the intelligence about Iraq, former undersecretary of defense Douglas Feith............they are just lettin it all hang out there aren't they? Ya know if you come on national tv and you are telling on yourself..............why haven't these guys been arrested?....oh no.......they are on tv trying to justify why they did what they did and they are getting away with it...........will somebody do something.........please!!! There are certain people who they should ban from tv shows all together. Here's my list: Pat Buchannan, William Donahue, Ann Coulter, Bill Kristol and Donald Trump.........these are the most offensive piles of human waste I have ever had to listen to...nobody should have to hear them.

"We are the people who run this country. We are the deciders. And every single day, every single one of us needs to step outside and take some action to help stop this war. Raise hell. Think of something to make the ridiculous look ridiculous. Make our troops know we're for them and trying to get them out of there. "
--- Molly Ivins, from her last column, January 11, 2007


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