CRANKY IN THE MIDDLE - June 14, 2006
I swear, nothing can put me to sleep faster than the droning and fumbling of our fearless leader when he talks to the's a sad state of affairs that you have to listen to this to sleep during the day so you can work a 12 hour shift at night. Bush needs to market himself as the next best thing to might actually increase his poll numbers.
I wonder if Karl Rove knows that he has become the new O. J. Simpson?.....and I wonder if he will be spending the rest of his life looking for the real leaker?
Open question to the president and both houses of congress: Why do you hate the middle class so much?
Suggestion to Ann Coulter: Rush Limbaugh looking for a new wife...........this could be your chance to settle down, squeeze out a couple of brats, move to Topeka, Kansas and join Westboro Baptist Church with Fred Phelps as your and Rush could be living the good life girl and I'm sure you would both feel right at home. (Please don't actually breed and make more of your kind on second thought, we would eventually have to take the kids away from you and de-program them) Your parents must be so proud of you.